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Parents – Help Career Services help your Penn State Student

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Parents, during these challenging times, Career Services wants to partner with you in providing as much support for your Penn State student as possible. As your son/daughter continues to have questions on how to navigate the effects of the pandemic, please share the following FAQ’s with them. Also, please remind them that our career counselors are available now and throughout the entire year, including the summer. Students, no matter where they are located, can schedule a Zoom Career Counseling Session anytime in the Summer! Encourage them to schedule a career coaching or career counseling appointment in Nittany Lion Careers.


  • How is the job market being impacted by the coronavirus pandemic?
    We don't have all the answers. The full impact of the coronavirus on the economy and the job market may not be known for months. The Spring 2021 edition of the Job Outlook Survey (published by the National Association of Colleges and Employers) reported that employers plan on hiring over 7% more 2021 college grads than 2020 college grads. In fact, 30% of employers who responded to this survey plan to hire more 2021 grads, compared to only 16% of employers reporting the same back in the Fall of 2020. However, students need to keep this “rebound” in perspective, for the United States still has 8.4 million fewer jobs than it had in February 2020. Let’s all hope that, with the widespread distribution of vaccinations and the re-opening of more businesses, we will continue to see a rise in hiring in the coming months.

    Hiring plans often vary by industry; tech companies have an easier time working remotely than a human service organization that is face-to-face with clients. Be open to a variety of industries, experiences, and organizations if you're still searching and consider remote work if an existing offer suggests it.
  • I'm concerned about the status of my offer. What should I do?
    Reach out to the employer directly to ask about the status of the offer, if working remotely is anticipated or an option, or if there is a modified timeline. Be respectful and direct but understand that things may be changing rapidly.
  • What if my offer is rescinded?
    Organizations may not be able to avoid canceling an internship or rescinding an offer.
    • Ask for a timeline
      Start by asking if there is a timeframe of when the position may be available in the future. Depending on the timeline you can decide if it's worthwhile to wait it out or move on.
    • See if remote work is an option
      Ask if working virtually is something the organization would consider.
    • Create a plan
      If you need to start over you need a plan of attack. Update your resume and Linkedin profile and create a plan with daily action items that focus on networking. Reach out to professionals for informational interviews, use LionLink to ask alumni about their career path, or connect on Linkedin with professionals working at the organization you're interested in. Investing time in building relationships can lead to offers, prospects, or great connections.
    • Work with a career counselor
      Have someone to help you along the way. Schedule a career coaching or career counseling appointment in Nittany Lion Careers. We’re open all year round, even in the summer!
  • What can I be doing now to stay career-relevant?
    Use this time to grow your career knowledge and stay current with what is happening in the world of work. Take time to learn and develop your professional savvy.
    • Reflect on what you offer
      Now is the perfect time to reflect on your skills and experiences and think about how you can apply them to a position. Every student, in every job search, should take time to identify their strengths.
    • Develop your network
      Connect to professionals, learn from their experiences, and get support and encouragement.
    • Keep your skills sharp
      Consider taking a course online to learn something new or expand on existing knowledge. Linkedin Learning, Coursera, and Google Skillshop are all great places to start.
    • Follow the industry
      Stay up-to-date with what is happening in your industry of interest. Research professional associations you can follow, subscribe to industry publications or read related articles.
  • How do I continue searching for opportunities?
    You can do this. Use the resources available to start searching strategically and growing your network of professionals. Our career counselors are here to help along the way so schedule a virtual career counseling appointment to get started.
    • Network!
      It's the best way to find opportunities, especially with over 700,000 Penn State alumni globally. Building personal relationships is the best way to learn about job openings, trends in the job market, or an inside track on a prospect.
    • Look for a career mentor
      Ask questions and learn from those who have been there. Check if your college has an alumni mentor program or use LionLink to find a Penn Stater you can connect with. Update your Linkedin profile and search for professionals with a similar career to the one you're interested in and reach out.
    • Attend virtual events
      Career fairs, workshops, and networking events are making the move to the digital world. Check back often to find newly added career events.
    • Apply online
      Keep applying and see what happens. Search for jobs or internships in Nittany Lion Careers and apply to those that interest you.
    • Consider virtual and gig experiences
      Be flexible and open to different opportunities. Gig experiences are short term but allow you to use your skills, add to your resume, and can potentially lead to more permanent opportunity.
    • Be prepared to sell yourself
      As the job market becomes more competitive it's incredibly important to be ready to sell yourself as the best candidate. Schedule a mock interview to practice from home. Meet with a career counselor virtually to talk through your skill set and hone your elevator pitch.
  • How is a video interview different than a face-to-face interview?
    Face-to-face interviews allow the employer to more easily assess your non-verbal communication. This is harder to do in a virtual setting so honing your answers and following interview guidelines and even more key.
    • Dress professionally
      Treat this just like a face-to-face interview. While they may be comfortable, pajamas don't give off a professional vibe.
    • Use a neutral background
      Keep the interviewer focused on you and not what is happening behind you.
    • Have a reliable connection
      Test the connection early and think through the location you choose for the interview. Google Voice can help if your cell phone service is spotty at home.
    • Show up early
      You might not be dealing with traffic but showing up early always shows initiative. That extra time gives you a chance to work out any technical issues you may encounter.
    • Maintain eye contact
      Limiting nearby distractions, smiling, and nodding give the employer virtual non-verbal cues. Consider putting a photo to focus on above the camera.
    • Have notes prepared
      Keep a list of questions you want to ask or information you need from the interviewer. Need a pro tip? Use post-it notes around your screen to easily reference your notes without breaking eye contact or getting distracted.
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